Creating a Writing Life: Interview With William
For those of us who want to start writing a book, especially fiction, William gives some great tips to getting started. The Pandemic gave some people the push that they needed to try (perfectly fine if you didn’t have the capacity to do so). There are so many ways to do this, even if your dream is to write a book.
There are 2 factors to get into writing. No matter where you are in the journey and skill level. Too many a scared to be a beginner in writing or believe something from years ago in school.
you need to schedule time to actually write. For too many of us if we don’t finagle and make sure there is time there will be time for it. There will always be something that gets in the way
Willingness to Improve.
You do not write in a vacuum. There is so much to learn out there and different people to help. There are classes, books, and free learning out in the world. There is no excuse for not getting better. There is also all the online communities out there to help steer you in the right direction and help critique
Two things that you need to keep in mind (and kind of get over) so you can get started and keep going are the same for everyone.
Everyone has a story to tell.
All of it is tremendously valuable. Only you can tell it that way. Know what you are writing about to see what areas you need to improve on. What resources are relevant to your needs. We all have different ways of seeing and experiencing things. You never know what you have will help another.
You are good enough
You do not need extensive schooling or training to write. It just takes what you have to get what you need out. Editing is all that’s needed to make it better.
“William Allen, an HSP male. I have just published a book called, Confessions of a Sensitive Man, An Unconventional Defense of Sensitive Men. I wrote this book for every man or boy that was told that they are too sensitive or too emotional; that they aren’t man enough or masculine enough simply because they feel more, sense more, and experience a broader range of emotions.
I am a retired corporate executive who has been writing a blog on male sensitivity for the past four years, ”