How To Make Self Promotion Less Icky

How to make self promotion less icky

Tips & Tricks for Being More Comfortable Self Promoting

Self-promotion can be a tricky thing for anyone, but introverts especially can struggle with talking about themselves without feeling like they’re bragging or coming off in a negative way. However, as we know, it’s vital to be able to talk about yourself, specifically when it comes to work/professional situations. Here are a few tips that can help

  1. Get others to do it for you. If you have an extroverted friend or family member, have them help you out with hyping you up and connecting you with others. They can help let others know about your talents/strengths, as well as give some validity to you and your business.

  2. Craft your own story/elevator pitch. Work on ways to get people’s attention and give them the information they need to know about you in a condensed way. This should only be 2-3 sentences that are easy to understand and clearly explain your business/services. Try to answer the questions: who, what, when, where, why (this is situational, based on what makes sense for you, personally)

  3. Showing it in a way that’s most comfortable for you. Create things that are personal to you and your business - they will set you apart from others and help people recognize your brand without even having to you. This can look like many different things: posts on social media, a podcast, apparel/merch (t-shirts, buttons), portfolios, reviews, etc. 

At the end of the day, remember that it’s okay to feel proud of yourself and share your accomplishments with the world. Self-promotion is a great way to connect with others and grow both personally and professionally.