Cleaning Your Online Life

We all have an online life. Pieces of ourselves we share with the world or just a select few. But you should clean it up. On how to you want to be perceived but also what you want to see while you are online.

Find All Your Accounts

We’ve all signed up for new things because its popular or it was a part of some email. We may never get info about it again so forget that we even gave them our information. There are sites and programs out there that can do a good search for you so you can deactivate and delete any of them.

Manage Settings

Some thing you want to keep but change your privacy settings. Only allow who and what you want shown. I have different groups on Facebook that some can see everything but others have some limitations. Its not that I don’t like them but now everyone gets to see some of my private stuff.

How you want to be perceived but also what you want to see

Its not wrong or fake to show people only what you want. You can be professional for work online. Not everyone deserves parts of you. But you also get a say in what you see while you are online. Unfollow and unfriend people if they don’t bring anything for you. You could have just grown in a different direction or it was an account you needed for humor relief, but don’t need anymore