Fun Ways To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Trying to level up your life takes being a little uncomfortable sometimes. Trying new things means not being good at the beginning and people knowing that you are new. But it doesn’t always have to be hard and painful. There are easy ways to make it fun sometimes because there is less pressure.

Start small

Most things can be broken down to small bits. Even things that can take you a minute to do. Anything small thing counts when you are just getting started. If you want to workout set out your workout clothes before you need them. Research the classes you want to take and figure out what days and times work best to fit in.

Work on one area

When writing a book some people just want to just jump in. Others need to research, create an outline, get details on their characters, or do some world building. It works better to just work on one part until done. Same with losing weight. Maybe you just want to add time for exercising. Just make sure to walk once a day. Then after a few months add a class or do some extra stretching. Throwing in adding vegetables to every meal, meal prepping, weight training 3 times a week it just too overwhelming.

Tweak one thing you already do

Habit stacking is a great way to easily adds things to your routine. Just like adding flossing after you brush your teeth. Its something you do that is related to one area and can me down in the same area. If you want to journal each day you can add it into your nightly routine. You write in bed while listening to soothing music to help your wind down.

Life Hack Worksheets