How to Befriend an Introvert

How to befriend an introvert

3 Things to Keep in Mind when Building Friendships with Introverts

Making friends as an adult can be really difficult on its own, and making friends with introverts, specifically, can be even more tricky. Introverts often deal with relationships and social situations very differently than extroverts, so it’s important to learn the best ways to grow healthy, successful friendships. Below are three helpful tips for non-introverts on how to do just that:

  1. Make sure you spend quality time together one-on-one. You build connections with an introvert by having meaningful discussions, and learning how to just relax and chill with one another. It’s important to find commonalities between both of you.

  2. Don’t make them talk on the phone all the time. While texting has its own difficulties (trouble understanding tone/attitude/etc), it’s easier than phone calls. Talking on the phone takes a lot of energy and time, and there’s a fear of being misunderstood.

  3. Don’t take it personally if an introvert doesn’t want to hang out all the time. Introverts really value their time alone - they need it to recharge and they simply prefer doing things on their own sometimes. Spending time with others is draining for introverts, even when they have fun and genuinely enjoy it.