How To Gain Confidence Without Faking Your Personality

How to gain confidence without faking your personality

The Best Ways to Build Confidence While Staying True to Who You Are

It takes time to get comfortable doing anything, so sometimes we have to fake our confidence a bit. But, there’s a big difference between ‘faking it until you make it,’ and faking it in a way that doesn’t mesh with who you really are. Here are some helpful tips to gain confidence without having to fake your personality:

  • Try to maintain a neutral face. You don’t need to force a smile, but try not to keep a completely rested face (this could come across as having a bad mood). Practice this in the mirror! It will lift your facial muscles and make you feel more open to those around you.

  • Wear your personality. Even if you have a specific uniform or dress code at work, you can still show your personality through the jewelry you wear, your nail color, what kind of shoes/socks you wear, etc. This helps you gain confidence as you feel more yourself, and oftentimes others will notice you more and be more likely to interact with you.

  • Posture! You naturally gain confidence when you stand tall, keep your head up, and look at people (even if it’s a very short period of eye contact)! Don’t slouch or let your head hang down - this makes you feel more closed in and uncertain, while confidence should make you feel sure of where you are and what you’re doing. It gives you more authority and puts out an energy that you belong where you are.

  • Keep YOU in your conversations. Try to connect with clients, co-workers, etc. by starting up conversations about little things that you can both relate to, like the weather, new things happening in your life, your advice/opinion, etc. This is a great way, low-stakes way to get out of your shell a bit and learn better conversation skills.

Ask questions and connect. Sometimes you get confidence from other people - and that’s okay! Oftentimes, you just need a compliment or validation about a certain situation. Having that connection with a friend, co-worker, etc. is a form of companionship that is really helpful. It allows you to be yourself more when you’re around them. Along with this, asking questions is how you gain knowledge that will eventually lead to confidence and more success. Plus, you will eventually be able to answer those same questions for other people/teach others things, which is a nice confidence-booster in that you feel both helpful and resourceful.