Journaling 2.0


3 Ways to Get the Most Out of Journaling

Journaling is a great tool we can use in life for a number of different things, especially when it comes to planning, dreaming, reflecting, and so on. Here are a few new things to try when journaling so you can get the absolute most out of it.

  • When first starting, just try to fit journaling into your routine whenever you can. Once you get to the point of journaling regularly, start planning out when you’re going to do it. Having something scheduled helps prepare you and gets you in the right headspace to get the most out of it

    • Sundays - a great day to devote some time to journaling because it’s usually a day dedicated to leisure. It also helps you start your week off fresh with a clear mind by getting everything out of your head and onto the page.

    • Morning pages - every morning, write three pages on anything you feel like writing about (to-do list, dream journal, reflecting, etc.)

    • Evenings - this can help you work through things that happened during your day, and get thoughts/feelings worked through before you go to bed

  • When you document, make sure you’re getting the whole picture

    • When you’re journaling about an experience, a place, a day, etc., remember the small details -- the feelings you had, the smells, the atmosphere, and so on. This helps you capture your raw emotions, and you can use those memories for later on in life

  • Use journaling as a tool for your mental health

    • Writing and reflecting can help you greatly when you’re trying to work through something difficult 

    • Try asking yourself questions when journaling: Did I accomplish something I wanted to? Did I help other people? Did I create something great? 

    • Reflecting on these types of things can help remind you of the progress you’re making, the things you’re working towards, and the accomplishments you’ve made