What Introverts Look For In A Relationship

What introverts look for in a relationship

Four Things to Understand About Dating an Introvert

Everybody needs different things from a relationship, but there are a few major things that will almost always be true for introverts and what they need when it comes to being with another person. Here are four important things that introverts look for in relationships:

  1. Their significant other needs to be able to just relax with them in low-energy situations. This might look like watching TV together, reading their own books in the same room, etc. There doesn’t need to have conversations all the time - introverts enjoy quiet time where they don’t have to exert a lot of energy, and usually just being in the same room is enough.

  2. Their significant other needs to be okay with them doing things on their own. Sometimes introverts just want/need to be alone. They need solitude in order to recharge and regain energy. This can often be taken by others as the introvert doesn’t like/care about being with their significant other, which is not the case. It’s about them being able to be alone with their thoughts and feelings in order to be able to give their full attention/energy to other areas of the relationship.

  3. Introverts don’t want to do everything with their significant other. There will be times when the introvert has specific activities that they prefer to do with other people, like their friends, family, etc. It’s important that the two people in a relationship can do things on their own/with others. It’s not healthy for either person to rely on their significant other to be there for every activity/experience. People get different needs met from different people and it’s important to remember that even though you are in a relationship together, you are still two separate individuals.

  4. Their significant other can’t totally dominate every conversation. The introvert might be the quieter one in the relationship, but it’s important that they still get to talk about what they want to talk about. They still want to discuss certain things going on in their life and it’s important that they feel heard by their significant other. They need to feel that there is room in the conversation for them.