Writing a book: interview with Illistrator and author Katie

The Escape Manual for Introverts is a humorous, illustrated book about how to get out of certain social situations as an introvert. It explores the awkwardness of everyday life for introverts, guiding readers through different scenarios that introverts often dread, such as being trapped on an airplane with a chatterbox or hosting a dinner party with people who just won’t leave. From family to friends and from karaoke night to group lunchtime, a number of escapes and excuses are offered for the awkward and funny encounters introverts have every day.

As an introvert she thoroughly enjoyed getting to create a funny book about one of jer (secret) favorite pastimes—avoiding people! :) It's a cheeky nod to all our fellow introverts out there who know exactly what she means. Many illustrations in the book are inspired by situations she found myself trapped in over the years, as well as by the stories some of her introverted friends and she has shared about all of our past unsuccessful social exits.