Extrovert Expectations part 2

In America, being an extrovert is the preferred personality. They are rewarded more for “speaking up” and are perceived to be more confident. Whether or not that’s true is not the point here. For us introverts, we’re never going to fit into that mold. and we do not have to live life trying to. And those expectations actually hurt us because they are rarely true. Here are a few more expectations I’ve found that don’t actually work.

Extroverted expectations part 2
  • You have to be different to get ahead. We have to speak up more, go out more, and just be boisterous all around. Not to mention if you’re a woman and people already think you “talk too much” or that you don’ know what you’re talking about because you’re young. We need different people in the world and in work. Not every job requires you to work with people. Some of it can be tedious, not exactly the definition we’ve been given would work well here.

  • If you don’t look people in the eyes you’re lying. I’ve always hated this armchair psychology bullshit. Some people took this little fact and applied it to everything. Some people are just not comfortable staring into people’s eyes the whole time they’re talking. Not to mention neuro-typical and autistic people, it is actually not an indication of lying.

  • Extroverts always want you to go out. This paints them in a bad light. Sometimes they just want to chill too. They just want to hang with someone you have no problem just sitting at home and watching a movie. Sometimes we are a good excuse for them to not go out.

These are just a few I’ve uncovered. Check out part one here so see other examples. Let me know what other ones you’ve encountered that annoy you and make you scratch your head.