How We Can Push Our Limits

I’m all for accepting ourselves, but there is a line where you should try to push for more. Push to be better and have a better life. If you do not like where you are then something has to change. There are some quick steps to get you started down this road. Just so you can work on it slowly, day by day.

How we can push our limits
  • Know where you are now. Figure out where you are starting at for a base. Then you can better see when you are making progress and when you need to shift things. This will also tell you where you are comfortable at. And where those comforts are not doing you any good.

  • Make other areas more comfortable. The point is to not overwhelm yourself and overhaul everything. Some places you are happy with can stay to give you something easy and comfortable. But you can also make them more so so you have something to fall back on when you need a rest.

  • Know the steps to get to where you want to go. You can’t have any direct without a game plan. Get all the things figured out; what it takes to get there, supplies, any help, and possible roadblocks. But also know why you want to do this. Your why is your motivation to keep going when things get hard.

  • Keep it to little steps. Break down every step you can to the smaller possible step. Anything that can take minutes to do. Because you will have days that you will not have half the day to dedicate just to this. So give yourself those easy things to do and an easy win. You do not need to push yourself to exhaustion.

We all deserve to be able to accomplish our big, juicy dreams. And that will take pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones. To push ourselves and feel tired and discouraged because it will not be easy to get done. But you got this.