Posts tagged boundaries
Boundaries As An Introvert: Interview With Whytli

Us introverts have to worry about our own energy different from non-introverts. Whylti use to bend to what others wanted and constantly people-pleased. And having a bad relationship that steamrolled your needs she learned how to set boundaries. This allowed her to protect herself and her energy. Which helped her foster deeper connection because boundaries are a sign that people want to continue a relationship with you with those boundaries.

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Boundaries Are Not Walls To Break Down

The difference between boundaries and walls came up with a client recently, and I started asking other people about it too. As you might know, I’m a big advocate for setting healthy boundaries so that people won’t take advantage of you and  you can save time and energy, be able to take care of yourself, and simply have energy for the important things. It seems like some people see boundaries as walls.

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Every Little Thing Your Friends Say about You Adds Up

There are many different types of boundaries that you need to create in your life. We all know how we want to be treated and the truth is that we want to be treated well. There is one thing that doesn’t get talked about enough when it comes to boundaries though, and that is how we let people talk about us to other people. I’m mainly talking about how friends introduce you to others, if it’s not respectful or kind. For example, if they introduce you to other people as the difficult, picky, or bitchy friend. Sometimes our friends fight boundaries because they are new to them or are inconvenient.

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